Saturday, 26 January 2019

The Ugly Truth !

All a wonder for having us to witness all the human evolution happened then and now.

For the advanced technologies discovered  and mended to make our life so easier than ever,
for the fact that the planet is put through with all possible satellites, antennas filling the space up there,
for actually been enabled knowing the gender parity and also inculcating the label of being rich & poor,
for being a part of democratic land which is said, yet ruled by a sceptical ruling party that goes hand in hand for every quinary,
for the blessings that each individuals has got to follow the chauvinistic systems, some knowing its brainless,
which is really definite for binding up these stereotypes to ourselves.

Mere the living creature with complete non- sensical ideologies & customs, still, the wide remarkable material for all the major disasters to occur - Mentally, physically & geographically is human.

With all these ignored still,  life couldn't be easier. It is mandate that you've to put on an act, no matter how your situations are falling apart. That's the ugly truth.

Life is not bogus. For once, at least once - Why not live your days for you, for actually what you need?
what is stopping ? Its forevermore better to run after"who you are", rather, to fit in the clause "what you are". Everyone has got their own purpose for life. Finding it & to know-what might be the hardest part. It could be a mundane thing, could be a desire on solitary creation that you ever wanted to do, might be for a person you love the most. 

Know by heart, once you realize, don't give a damn on anything else that's stopping you. Don't give a shit about what human kind would think of. Kick the ones who judges the way you are. Give everyone the go-by, to the society, to the groups that guff's on you.

Having one life, don't have a plan to find what's in other side of the coin. Because, you never know, if there is something at all. So, set your stage, your own purpose., in the way you like to take out. Life would be all worth it !

Remember, purpose of life. Keep fighting !