Wednesday, 8 January 2020

Hold tight !

Me ! A Sapien, a wanderer still alienating ‘me’ that limits all ways to keep my thoughts and actions balanced.
On my usual routine af, wishing for the other world, my own universe, here is my seasonal trance for 2o19.

There is a reason to every which decision you make and for every instance that you come across, you have come a long way. Every bit of your ‘thoughts’ or ‘ideas’ or ‘a wish’ and ‘whatnot’ planted into your mind is for a reason. This birth of yours itself  have already proved enough, you are here for a higher purpose. 
Everyone has got one reason to deal with their own miserable or stupendous purpose in this merry mythical monstrous world.

Life is invincible and that what makes you feel alive. If you knew it before, you wouldn’t value the power of the future.

For the situations you know that it's just made up and unreal, but you can’t help it.
For the times, When you want to speak your heart out, but you ought to mouth shut.
For that one instance, when you miss that person who you know is your soul, you are just left to thrash within not to think of the happiness & togetherness even in dreams. Invincible !

Thinking of, negativity always hits first and why exactly my mind is triggered to center it out of all in the first place. Its no unlike any other human brain mechanism, is which I talk and believe all the time.
Nothing like ours..,Our self-own story could define any lives. 
In all possible ways you could think of, it's always a good choice to keep you ready, get prepared, to stand still and sense the potential hardships or plausible heartbreaking moment that would fall in place. For latter good. 
If it’s something that you know you should do, just do it. Don’t think to give up until you hit it hard with your utmost best tries, till you find a way out, till that time you feel you've got enough to drop off. Easy, fight for it af.
Know the real you, ‘THE YOU’ to take up challenges, be it any form, Good or Evil. Make sure you don’t take side. 

Keep fighting !